Finally Bob Sorter's super secret composite rankings are here! Bob took the time to create a spreadsheet of rankings from 11 different sources, and averaged them with his patented formula. He also included a page that shows you every teams allotment of picks on a pick value chart for calculating possible trades - but you'll need to follow the directions in the legend to adjust your Excel security to make this powerful feature work.
Huge ups to Bob for the tireless work he puts into this for all of our benefit - Draftguys is proud be the exclusive home of these unique rankings.
Here's an excerpt from the legend:
Please do not be alarmed when you try to open the spreadsheet this year. Due to the expansion of the sheet, you will probably get a couple of pop-up message boxes when you begin.
The first will have to do with ?nitialize Active-X controls? Click ?es to get past this. Once you do so, you will more than likely get another message stating something along the lines of ?acros are disabled because the security level is set to High? To get past this, simply close the spreadsheet. Then click on ?ools in the Excel toolbar at the top of the screen. Select ?acro and then ?ecurity off of that. Your setting is probably set on ?ery High or ?igh? Change it to ?edium and click ?K? Now re-open the spreadsheet. You will probably see a pop-up window with the choice of ?nable Macros? Click on that button. When you see the ?nitialize Active-X message again, click on ?es and you should be ready to go.
Please note if you do change your security settings, it is only within Excel that the security was changed but you will still probably want to reset it back to its original level when finished viewing the spreadsheet.
All of this is needed because of the ?rades worksheet which will be explained later. A thousand pardons but I think you?l find it? worth it. And it goes without saying trust me on all this. I promise there are no viruses, worms, bugs, cretins, Trojans, or Raiders in this spreadsheet.
One last thing should be mentioned. To best view the spreadsheet, you may want to change your Control Panel/Display/Settings to 1152 x 864 pixels.
Okay, now for the meat of the document.
There are twenty-three different work sheets included in the Excel workbook sent to you this year. Please bear with me as I explain them as quickly as possible.
The first sheet contains the top 714 rated players based on the publications/websites used for this overall ranking. The players are sorted by their Overall Average rating. How this column is derived is explained below.
The second sheet contains a chart showing the various positions being drafted, e.g., QB, DT, PK. Beside each position is a derived number. This is the average Size/Speed Ratio for all the players at each position. The Size/Speed Ratio is explained below. Please note that this sheet is also a calculator. You can enter the weight and speed of anyone to see what their SSR is. Go ahead. You know you want to enter yours in. See how you compare with players in the draft. Personally, I? a hair above a Long Snapper.
The third sheet shows the steps used to convert a source? ranking, in this case the Fox Sports website, to a numerical rating that fits better with the spreadsheet? Overall Average formula. It, too, is a calculator that allows you to change the rank to see the corresponding rating used in the formula. Since I? going to have to go into the draft as a Long Snapper, I used one of their rankings to see what my rating is. Not a pretty sight.
The fourth through twenty-first sheets contain the ratings from the Overall Average rating sheet but the players are grouped according to the position they play. There is a separate worksheet for each position. The only difference between these sheets and the Overall Average sheet is that the far left column on the position worksheets shows the rank for each player from the Overall Average sheet.