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About NFL Draftguys

NFL Draftguys is the brainchild of football analysts Sigmund Bloom and Cecil Lammey of Footballguys.com and The Audible.

After enlisting Marc Faletti as CIO/analyst and adding head scout Sean Baca along with a plethora of other talented writers, we've launched version .5 of the site, a preview of the kinds of thorough, enjoyable draft content you can expect from us.

This fall, we'll be releasing our full-featured site, which will include year-round analysis of college players and their pro prospects as well as feature articles breaking down barriers between fans and the football worlds of coaching, scouting, playing and more.

This version of the site is just the beginning, and we hope you enjoy it.

Bloom bio

Lammey bio

Faletti bio

Baca bio

NFL Draftguys is not affiliated in any way with the National Football League or the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). Any school or player images displayed within this site are the property of their respective teams and should not be used without consent. This website and its content is the exclusive property of the owners and proprietors of NFL Draftguys. If you wish to reproduce or reuse the original content available here, please contact us.